[CD] Glass Horse (elements of the distal limb)


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Aug 10, 2010
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Sweden Veterinary Student
The Glass Horse : elements of the equine distal limb

Publication info: University of Georgia, 2004
Further info: http://www.3dglasshorse.com/


instructions: mount or burn CD image, then install/run software!

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Does anybody tried to install and run the program.
I couldn't do it.
I joined the files with Hjsplit. unzip the file. Mounted the image in PowerIso. I installed but when I tried to run it ask me to insert the CD in the CDROOM device and I couldn't run it. Also burn a CD but don't work.
Any suggestion????
further instructions


Unpack the whole thing with 7-zip instead, don't bother joining the files beforehand.

Mount the app with daemon-tools rather than poweriso, install and run, remember to keep the cd mounted as you're running the app as well.

Thanks Nideas, I tried with a trial version of daemon tools and it works. Maybe I have to change the CD/DVD emulator. Although the cracks keygen etc for daemon tools pro standard and advanced are completely full of virus.
Thanks Nideas, I tried with a trial version of daemon tools and it works. Maybe I have to change the CD/DVD emulator. Although the cracks keygen etc for daemon tools pro standard and advanced are completely full of virus.

Daemon tools comes as a free and a non-free version - I would suggest using the free one and skip all the keygens etc.

Go to this link and download Daemon tools Lite, which is completely free:
Hi! so many time waiting for this!...I`ve install the app whitout problems but when I open it and I choose a category just appear a red X on the screen and nothing happens andy idea ???
the program used with the Quick time player so first install this program after that start the distal limb program
Hi. The links of the fist and second files of the application doesn't work. Can you upload again that links please?
Hello, I'm having some problems...
I extract with 7-zip and it gives me a rar (or zip, don't remember) file.
When I try to extract it again (with winrar), it says the file is corrupt.
Can anyone help me? am I doing anything wrong? I'll try to download the files again

#Edit: I got the files downloaded again and got it right this time
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Thank you so much!!! I´ve been loocking for this material for so long i finally got it:clap: and it works perfect:dance:
Alas, the 1st link above takes me to Mediafire and under the 'glasshorse_distallimb.zip.001' the 'click here to download' only takes me to a www.d3.zedo.com which appears to just be ads, popups & online gaming! Am I doing something wrong or is the link no longer working? Can someone help me out or point me to another link please? The other 3 are happening, touch wood.
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I´m having a hard time putting these files together.
I download them, then I try to use 7-zip to open them.. and it does not work. I t says that an error has occured....
What can I do?

I´d apreciate some help! Thank you!
Everything works just fine!

Hi all,

For those of you who struggle with Glass Horse Distal Limb, just do as follows:

- All the 4 files hosted by mediafire are perfectly downloadable using the links given in the first post, though your download manager won't be able to indicate the remaining time during the process (size: 180 MB for the 3 first and 17.2 MB for the 4th)
- Once it's done, DON'T try to use any other soft than the free HJSPLIT.EXE (i.e. 7zip, winrar, bitzipper and the like) as ALL of them will fail to merge the spanned zip files (checksum error and corrupt files are the most frequent errors)
- Then you can extract you distal_limb.img from the newly created zip file
- You need to mount distal_limb.img using a software such as the free VirtualClone Drive from Slysoft as burning the image won't work
- Prior to launching then setup.exe file download and install the current version of Quicktime suitable for your PC and the start the setup process
- Abort the built-in CD Quicktime (close the windows) then finish setup and you're almost done...

Indeed, you may have to download the patch ( http://www.3dglasshorse.com/support.asp ) and if you use windows 7 64-bit, as it is said in the Glass Horse home website, you may encounter issues. Personally I have 2 Windows 7 64-bit Machines (Desktop and laptop) and everything is fine with the laptop but the program takes 5-10 min on the desktop get the welcome screen. 2 workaround ways, 1st reinstall the soft in Windows XP mode or don't fully switch off you PC. Finally beware of Antivirus softs which give a warning and may interfere with the setup/launch.

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It is asking for a log file but i don't know where it is.... can anyone help? i can mount the cd open the program but then it asks for a log file