Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse


Mar 13, 2009
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Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse

by Michael W. Ross DVM DACVS, Sue J. Dyson MA VetMB DEO FRCVS


(about 2-3 movies missing)

rarred in 1x 604.86 MB, depositfiles
rarred in 7 parts, on mediafire,
(the same link as for book)


DjVu, megaupload, 28.21 MB

pdf, with bookmarks,
rarred in 3x 95.77 MB & 1x 19.9 MB:
on mediafire in one folder

  • Hardcover: 1095 pages
  • Publisher: Saunders; Har/Cdr edition (19 Dec 2002)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10: 0721683428
  • ISBN-13: 978-0721683423
Product Description
This book provides a comprehensive approach to lameness diagnosis, and focuses on the importance of clinical examinations and diagnostic analgesia. It allows for accurate diagnosis of equine lameness to be made more quickly and effectively by differentiating between different horses and their activities.

Detailed descriptions of diagnosis include the common problem of what to do when a diagnosis cannot be met. Musculoskeletal dysfunction is discussed as a cause of poor performance and the management of a broad range of conditions causing gait abnormalities are included.
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Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse

by Michael W. Ross DVM DACVS, Sue J. Dyson MA VetMB DEO FRCVS

Excellent my friend great job!!!!!
We will wait for the cd
You are crazy :clap:

(in goog way :) )

now I have to say - What a great forum! :)
Is it possible to get version in pdf or others?

I see many pages are messed up...

Like from 81 - and then suddenly 982 nad then again 90...

I can get them in right order, but I have no idea how to do this in dvju :forget:

I will try to use converter to convert book in pdf and then get the right order of pages​
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Really good post!!Really great forum. We rock! :lol:
Hey guys! :lol:
It apperas me or the part 3 id is missed? :oops:

If anyone can upload, please :please:

Thanks in advance
yes, yes bassoto :)

I am working on it :) Yesterday the uploading failed and then I didn`t had time.
I am uploading it now - it will be in the same folder and check for link for CD in original post​
Thank you very much Saraajka!!

Certain, Did you was able to see the video of Dr. Stator? I refer to the one of Anaphilactic Horse?

P.D.: In my country iFile is temporaly unabled... :Cry: I will wait...
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No, I cannot download it...

Now when some good soul converted the movie, the ifile.it doesn`t work

There sholud be a smilie where I am throwing the PC throughout the window :Cry:

It looks like we will have to wait...​
Excellent Work

After Downloading, I will try to upload all of it on ftp server

Very Fast (up to 500 KB/S), Support Resume

I will try :forget: