Differential Diagnosis Of Body Fluids In Small Animal Cytology, 1e (2023)

Illustrato con microfotografie di alta qualità, Diagnosi differenziale dei fluidi corporei nella citologia dei piccoli animali fornisce una revisione completa della citologia dei fluidi, con un ampio atlante visivo.
Con punti chiave che descrivono le principali caratteristiche cliniche e citologiche di ciascuna condizione patologica, il libro fornisce elenchi di cause e diagnosi differenziali, inclusi pratici riquadri "perle e insidie". È inoltre arricchito da capitoli sui test microbiologici dei fluidi corporei e altre tecniche diagnostiche avanzate, rendendo il libro una risorsa preziosa per specialisti veterinari (in particolare patologi clinici e anatomici), specializzandi, studenti universitari di veterinaria e professionisti di piccoli animali.
Caratteristiche principali:

  • Oltre 180 microfotografie di alta qualità
  • Libro di consultazione ideale con descrizioni concise di ogni processo patologico
  • Organizzato in punti chiave per facilitarne l'uso durante il lavoro diagnostico o come ausilio alla revisione.

Circa l'autore​

Francesco Cian si è qualificato presso l'Università di Padova (Italia) con un DVM nel 2006 e ha trascorso i successivi 4 anni nella pratica dei piccoli animali. Nel 2010, ha iniziato un programma di residenza in Patologia Clinica presso l'Università di Cambridge, che ha terminato nel 2013 conseguendo sia il diploma ECVCP che quello FRCPath. Francesco è entrato a far parte dell'Animal Health Trust (AHT) nel 2013 come Responsabile della Patologia Clinica, e da settembre 2015 lavora per Battlab (LABOKLIN). Francesco ha un interesse particolare per le malattie linfoproliferative del cane e del gatto e per la citometria a flusso. È membro della commissione d'esame di citologia dell'European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) ed è autore di numerose pubblicazioni su riviste peer-reviewed. È coautore con Paola Monti del capitolo citologico della terza edizione del Manuale di Patologia Clinica Veterinaria della BSAVA ed è curatore della seconda edizione del libro Citologia veterinaria: cane, gatto, cavallo e mucca: Self-Assessment Color Review.

Paola Monti si è laureata presso l'Università di Bologna (Italia) con un DVM nel 2002. Nel 2005 si è trasferita nel Regno Unito dove ha trascorso i primi anni nella pratica dei piccoli animali. Nel 2008, ha avviato un programma di residenza finanziato dal RCVS Trust in patologia clinica presso l'Università di Cambridge. Dopo la formazione, ha conseguito i diplomi ACVP e FRCPath in patologia clinica e nel 2015 ha conseguito lo Status di Specialista RCVS in patologia clinica. Dal 2012, Paola lavora presso DWR Diagnostic come consulente patologa clinica. Ha un interesse particolare per la citologia e la gestione della qualità del laboratorio. È esaminatrice del Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath), autrice di numerose pubblicazioni su riviste peer-reviewed e coautrice dei capitoli di citologia e controllo di qualità della terza edizione del BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

  • Editore: CABI (30 novembre 2023)
  • Lingua inglese
  • Brossura: 360 pagine
  • ISBN-10: 1789247764
  • ISBN-13: 978-1789247763
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Illustrated with high quality photomicrographs, Differential Diagnosis of Body Fluids in Small Animal Cytology provides a comprehensive review of fluid cytology, with an extensive visual atlas.
With key points describing the main clinical and cytological features of each pathologic condition, the book provides lists of causes and differential diagnoses, including handy "pearls and pitfalls" boxes. It is also enriched by chapters on microbiology testing of body fluids and other advanced diagnostic techniques, making the book a valuable resource for veterinary specialists (in particular clinical and anatomical pathologists), residents, veterinary undergraduate students, and small animal practitioners.
Key features:

  • Over 180 high-quality photomicrographs
  • Ideal reference book with concise descriptions of each pathologic process
  • Organized into key bullet points to facilitate use during diagnostic work, or as a revision aid.

About the Author​

Francesco Cian qualified from University of Padua (Italy) with a DVM in 2006 and spent the next 4 years in small animal practice. In 2010, he started a residency program in Clinical Pathology at the University of Cambridge, which he finished in 2013 attaining both an ECVCP and FRCPath diploma. Francesco joined the Animal Health Trust (AHT) in 2013 as Head of Clinical Pathology, and from September 2015 works for Battlab (LABOKLIN). Francesco has a special interest in lymphoproliferative disorders of dogs and cats and flow cytometry. He is member of the cytology exam committee of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) and is author of several publications on peer-reviewed journals. He co-authored with Paola Monti the cytology chapter of the third edition of the BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and is editor of the second edition of the book Veterinary Cytology: Dog, Cat, Horse and Cow: Self-Assessment Color Review.

Paola Monti qualified from University of Bologna (Italy) with a DVM in 2002. In 2005 she moved to the UK where she spent the first years in small animal practice. In 2008, she started a RCVS Trust funded residency program in clinical pathology at the University of Cambridge. After her training, she obtained both the ACVP and FRCPath diplomas in clinical pathology and in 2015 she received the RCVS Specialist Status in clinical pathology. Since 2012, Paola has been working at DWR Diagnostic as a clinical pathologist consultant. She has a special interest in cytology and laboratory quality management. She is an examiner of the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath), author of several publications on peer-reviewed journals and coauthor of the cytology and quality assurance chapters of the third edition of the BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

  • Publisher: CABI (November 30, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 360 pages
  • ISBN-10: 1789247764
  • ISBN-13: 978-1789247763
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thank you
Illustrated with high quality photomicrographs, Differential Diagnosis of Body Fluids in Small Animal Cytology provides a comprehensive review of fluid cytology, with an extensive visual atlas.
With key points describing the main clinical and cytological features of each pathologic condition, the book provides lists of causes and differential diagnoses, including handy "pearls and pitfalls" boxes. It is also enriched by chapters on microbiology testing of body fluids and other advanced diagnostic techniques, making the book a valuable resource for veterinary specialists (in particular clinical and anatomical pathologists), residents, veterinary undergraduate students, and small animal practitioners.
Key features:

  • Over 180 high-quality photomicrographs
  • Ideal reference book with concise descriptions of each pathologic process
  • Organized into key bullet points to facilitate use during diagnostic work, or as a revision aid.

About the Author​

Francesco Cian qualified from University of Padua (Italy) with a DVM in 2006 and spent the next 4 years in small animal practice. In 2010, he started a residency program in Clinical Pathology at the University of Cambridge, which he finished in 2013 attaining both an ECVCP and FRCPath diploma. Francesco joined the Animal Health Trust (AHT) in 2013 as Head of Clinical Pathology, and from September 2015 works for Battlab (LABOKLIN). Francesco has a special interest in lymphoproliferative disorders of dogs and cats and flow cytometry. He is member of the cytology exam committee of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) and is author of several publications on peer-reviewed journals. He co-authored with Paola Monti the cytology chapter of the third edition of the BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and is editor of the second edition of the book Veterinary Cytology: Dog, Cat, Horse and Cow: Self-Assessment Color Review.

Paola Monti qualified from University of Bologna (Italy) with a DVM in 2002. In 2005 she moved to the UK where she spent the first years in small animal practice. In 2008, she started a RCVS Trust funded residency program in clinical pathology at the University of Cambridge. After her training, she obtained both the ACVP and FRCPath diplomas in clinical pathology and in 2015 she received the RCVS Specialist Status in clinical pathology. Since 2012, Paola has been working at DWR Diagnostic as a clinical pathologist consultant. She has a special interest in cytology and laboratory quality management. She is an examiner of the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath), author of several publications on peer-reviewed journals and coauthor of the cytology and quality assurance chapters of the third edition of the BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

  • Publisher: CABI (November 30, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 360 pages
  • ISBN-10: 1789247764
  • ISBN-13: 978-1789247763
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