ebook categories


Sep 2, 2009
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vets from all over the world know that veterinary medecine advances to speciality ......even super speciality in some countries.so i have a suggestion that it is better to divide the ebook categories to more advanced sections like ,
1.clinical medecine
...........................so on.
it will give a better idea for the members of elib4vet family.
But there are many books under many categories and this may leads to dupliction , but I suggest new section "ebooks directory" all ebooks in certain category listed with some info ( title - author - edition - number of pages - publisher - isbn10/13) with special moderator.
We need a parallel section being completely static, only promoting the publications without any discussion or Spam.....some kind of showroom, completely controlled by its Moderator!
One point is if there should be a support of discussing publication.

Most postings are of no valuable content, all Thank You´s and what I call Single-Liners, Postings containing nothing more than one single line, like, "Great Book", "Usefull for whoever" and so on (No matter if they really are a single line or cause a linebreak ;-) ).

I rate such contributions as no real contributions.

BUT if a Discussion comes up about a special topic, we don´t have a section for it and it does not fit into the Social Forum as it would be about books particularly.

So if there was a special section we could also punish those who spam the non-discussion area with anything after being clearly declared in the rules more strictly.

It could be named something like: "Side-Informations and Discussions"
I thought about it again and I recommend a new Forum called "Discussing Ebooks" right on top of all Forums in the ebook section, so each user will see it first, then we could declare its use in the new Announcement I made in the Section, to make clear that all side-discussions have to be done there, to keep all informations in all other Ebook-Forums more technical and informational.
I like the idea of ebook discussion forum and i think there are plenty of categories already
Merci for your very good idea. Could you tell us what vet specialities would you highlight in a ebook library ? We are 2 librarians (France), we manage an online library (exclusively in english), and we have retained the specialities as follows : Vet anesthesia-analgesia, Veterinary imaging, veterinary ophtalmology, veterinary dermatology. We have included in "Internal Medicine - Small & large animal" all the pathologies related to the internal organs, infectious diseases and differential diagnosis. Brievly, we have separated pathologies par species : domestic carnivores, exotics, birds, reptiles & amphibians, Equine, Production animal. All the topic related to soft tissues surgery and orthopedics are included in the categories / by animal species. We lack perhaps some advices by a vet professionnal.
Thanks you

Marie-Hélène Godard
