Feeding and Digestive Functions of Fishes

George Ataher

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Feeding and Digestive Functions of Fishes
Edited by: J.E.P. Cyrino, D.P. Bureau and B.G. Kapoor
View attachment 2909
Publisher: CRC Press
Pages: 589
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1578083756
Edition number: 1, 2008

Understanding the biology of the innumerable number of aquatic species on our planet is the focus of sustained research efforts. Environmental degradation, management or rehabilitation of wild stocks, and the forecasted climatic changes are fueling interest in the study of the ecology, feeding behavior, and nutrition of aquatic animals in their natural habitat. In parallel, the rapid expansion of aquaculture in many parts of the world has supported vigorous research programs on nutrition, and feeding of cultivated aquatic organisms. More than 250 aquatic species are cultivated on a commercial scale using a wide variety of production systems. This great diversity results in great opportunities and tremendous challenges. Topics covered in this book are as diverse as, feeding ecology of fish in their natural habitat, feeding behavior, digestive anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of different fish species at different life stages, the impact of diet on gastro-intestinal development and health, nutrition and disease resistance, and modeling conversion of food or feed inputs into biomass.

Table of Contents

List of Contributors
1. Feeding Ecology of Fishes in the Brazilian Amazon - A Naturalistic Approach
Jansen Zuanon and Efrem Ferreira
2. Environmental Changes, Habitat Modifications and Feeding Ecology of Freshwater Fish
Norma Segatti Hahn and Rosemara Fug
3. Feeding Activity in Teleost Fish: Influence of Biotic and Abiotic Factors
Ann L. Gannam
4. Classical and Modern Concepts in Fish Digestion
Victoria V. Kuz'mina
5. Temperature Adaptation of Digestive Enzymes in Fish
Alexander Gelman, Victoria Kuz'mina, Vladimir Drabkin and Larisa Glatman
6. Diets, Physiology, Biochemistry and Digestive Tract Development of Freshwater Fish Larvae
Maria Célia Portella and Konrad Dabrowski
7. Ontogeny and Physiology of the Digestive System of Marine Fish Larvae
José Luiz Zambonino Infante, Enric Gisbert, Carmen Sarasquete, Isabel Navarro, Joachim Gutiérrez and Chantal L. Cahu
8. Tracer Studies in Fish Larvae
Luís E.C. Conceiçã o, Sofia Morais, Maria Teresa Dinis and Ivar Rø nnestad
9. An Overview of the Feeding Ecology and Physiology of Elasmobranch Fishes
Enric Corté s, Yannis P. Papastamatiou, John K. Carlson, Lara Ferry-Graham and Bradley M. Wetherbee
10. Alternative Protein Sources and Digestive Function Alterations in Teleost Fishes
Anne Marie Bakke-McKellep and Ståle Refstie
11. Nutrition and Disease Resistance in Fish
Chhorn Lim, Mediha Yildirim-Aksoy and Phillip H. Klesius
12. Efficiency of Conversion of Feed Inputs into Animal Biomass: The Usefulness of Bioenergetics Models and
Need for a Transition to Nutrient-flow Models
Dominique P Bureau, Katheline Hua and Paula A. Azevedo
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