Handbook of Medical Imaging: Processing and Analysis Management


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May 11, 2012
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United States Veterinary Student

Isaac Bankman, "Handbook of Medical Imaging: Processing and Analysis (Biomedical Engineering)"
Academic Press | 2000 | ISBN: 0120777908 | 911 Pages | PDF | 22.18 MB

This book is an almost complete collection of algorithms in computer processing of medical images. As an addition to computer processing litterature, this book fills a gap much in need of being closed. The text contains three levels of informating, a scholarly review of each topic, a professional review of methods and their application, and, finally, several chapters for each subject of thorough mathematical descriptions of individual methods and approaches, with useful examples from "real life". The book is divided into six sections: I Enhancement, describing the methods available for enhancing, e.g., noise reduction, window/level processing and grayscale manipulations. II Segmentation, dividing images into usefull subsets for further processing, III Quantification, measuring on images. IV Registration, making different images, both from between different subjects and between different modalities as well as between individuals having imaging studies done on separate occasions. V Visualization, rendering images for views in several different formats, including virtual endoscopies and volume rendering techniques. VI Compression, Storage and Communication, describing methods related to DICOM storage facilities and files, compressing, normalizing grayscale for optimal storage and removing nuisances from images. This book is contains a wealth of information in a handy format, making it an invaluable companion for anyone working in the field of medical image processing. It is also a source of vast information for the interested radiologist, although some may find the extend of mathematical understanding required somewhat overwhelming. Even if the DICOM part of this book does not comprise a large part, the book may be worth its price for this section alone.

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