Full book title (= title of the thread ) :[h=1]Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats: Assessing Common Illnesses by Differential Diagnosis[/h]
Author(s) or Editor(s) :Christian F. Schrey
Pages: 412
Publisher: 5m Publishing
Edition : 3rd Revised edition
Pub date: 10 feb 2017
ISBN-10: and/or ISBN-13:1910455725/9781910455722
Link to the ebook version of the book:
thank you very much!
Author(s) or Editor(s) :Christian F. Schrey
Pages: 412
Publisher: 5m Publishing
Edition : 3rd Revised edition
Pub date: 10 feb 2017
ISBN-10: and/or ISBN-13:1910455725/9781910455722
Link to the ebook version of the book:
thank you very much!