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The Apprentice Doctor ''How to Stitch Up Wounds'' Suturing Kit CD-ROM

The Apprentice Doctor ''How to Stitch Up Wounds'' Suturing Kit CD-ROM Summary:</STRONG>
"What is The Apprentice Doctor® 'How to Stitch-up Wounds' Course & Kit?" The Apprentice Doctor® is a brand of products designed to assist young people toward becoming medical professionals and to encourage those who are undecided to choose a career in healthcare. The "How to Stitch-Up Wounds" course material comes on an interactive CD-ROM, and teaches you the basic principles of suturing and wound care through video clips, illustrations, detailed instructions, games, and more. With an 18-piece suture kit included, you will gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills while performing 26 practical fun projects! And if you sign up to receive Letters from the Doc, you will also gain access to new projects online, which you can then complete using the instruments in your kit.
"Who can benefit from the 'How to Stitch-up Wounds' Suturing Course?" The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course has been designed with the following students in mind: * Medical and pre-med students
* Surgical interns/registrars and residents
* Students in other medical careers e.g. dentistry, nursing, paramedics etc.
* A resource to train Allied Healthcare professionals the basics principles of wound care (Osteopathic-, Homeopathic health practitioners, medical laboratory /office personnel, cosmetologists etc.)
* High school students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, desiring a "foretaste of their future career"
* Supplementary material to the high school Biology or Life Sciences curriculum
* Medics in the military
* Any person with a keen interest in medicine and wound care
"What are the objectives of the course?" The aim is to equip you with a basic understanding of the theory of suturing wounds and for you to acquire the skills to confidently tie surgical knots and suture lacerations. On completion of this course you should have a good understanding of: * The basic principles of wound care
* Knot tying techniques (as related to knots used in surgery)
* Surgical instruments used in suturing
* Suture materials
* The various suturing techniques used by medical professionals And you should also have the following skills: * Placing sub-cutaneous sutures
* Placing interrupted sutures
* Placing a variety of mattress sutures
* Tying a square knot (two-hand tie, one-hand tie, and instrument tie)
* Tying a surgeon's knot (one-hand tie, and instrument tie)
* Using a number of other types of suturing techniques
* Correcting minor discrepancies while suturing
* Removing sutures
"What are the basic subjects that the course covers?" To answer this question, let's have a look at The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course index: * Introduction and Preparation
* Basic Principles of Wound Care
* Surgical Knot Tying
* Basic Suturing Techniques
* Complications of Suturing
"Can you offer me more information regarding the 26 practical projects?" Yes of course! You will learn how to tie a variety of common surgical knots, how to stitch-up wounds and care for wounds using a 3-layered artificial skin that was specifically designed to imitate the feel and elasticity of the skin. The instruments and items (included in the kit at no extra cost when purchasing the Course material on CD-ROM) will be used to complete the majority of these projects. Now let's have a look at The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-Up Wounds" Course projects index: * Familiarize yourself with the Suture Kit
* Attach Suture Material to a needle
* How to clip the needle to a needle holder
* Prepare imitation skin for practicing suturing
* How to construct a rod for practicing suturing
* A demonstration of a square knot and a granny knot
* Make a square knot: Two-hand tie
* Make a square knot: One-hand tie
* Make a surgeon's knot: One-hand tie
* Make a square knot: Instrument tie
* Make a surgeon's knot: Instrument tie
* How to place subcutaneous sutures
* How to place interrupted sutures
* How to place interrupted sutures with buried knots
* How to place continuous sutures
* How to place continuous interlocking sutures
* How to place horizontal mattress sutures
* How to place vertical mattress sutures
* How to place "far and near" sutures
* How to place subcuticular sutures
* How to place purse string sutures
* How to correct a dog's ear
* How to correct unequal levels of tissue
* How to remove sutures
"Who developed this kit and course material?" The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course material is the cumulative effort of a number of medical professionals and experts in a variety of disciplines. The Apprentice Doctor® concept is the brainchild of Dr Anton Scheepers - a practicing Maxillofacial & Oral Surgeon and Medical School Lecturer.
"How old must I be to do this course?"
In order to gain the maximum benefit out of the course, students at high school and college level interested in a career in medicine should definitely do it! Also, many adults of various ages have marvelled about their newly gained medical knowledge and skills!
The course is not recommended for children under the age of 12 and parental supervision is recommended for anyone under 18.
"What do I get for my order?" * A PC and Mac compatible CD-ROM which contains the course material and practical projects.
* An 18-piece suture kit, imitation skin, suture thread and needles, and other items - all of which will be used as you work your way through the course. How to Stitch Up Wounds
"Do you only ship to people living in the USA and Canada?" We've sent The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course to every English speaking country in the world, and many non-English speaking countries. The short answer is that The Apprentice Corporation ships to every country on earth.
"How long will it take for my order to arrive?"
Orders are shipped from New York, USA, so if you live in the US, expect a delivery time between three and five business days. If you live in Canada, expect delivery in between five and ten business days. If you live outside the US, expect delivery in three to six weeks.
"Are there any dangers involved?" Great time and attention was given to the issue of safety, and clear guidelines and warnings are given where appropriate. The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course contains sharp instruments like a scalpel, sharp scissors and needles.
You are therefore advised to apply the utmost care and to take note of the appropriate warnings on the box and CD-ROM while using the product. The Apprentice Corporation cannot be held responsible for injuries.
"Is the course material accredited with educational authorities/medical schools?" The Apprentice Doctor® How to Stitch-up Wounds Course constitutes only a subsection of the surgical curriculum of medical and related healthcare studies. The course material is thus not formally accredited, but comes with the recommendation of numerous lecturers and professors of surgery. (See testimonial section). High school students may earn science credits when doing this course via Solid Rock Virtual School.
"Are the instruments included similar to those used by our family's doctor?" The instruments included with the course can be found in any medical doctor's office. These are not toys! They are real, functional entrance level medical instruments used by doctors and surgeons on a daily basis.
"Can I complete The Apprentice Doctor® 'How to Stitch-up Wounds' Course on my own?" The course can be completed in the comfort of your home at your own pace, and will take on average a week (6-8 hours per day) to complete. Parental supervision/guidance is strongly recommended for students younger than 18 years of age. We recommend that a professional medically qualified individual (A Surgeon, Doctor or Professional Nurse) evaluate and assess your knowledge and sign your certificate on completion of the course.
The course material is perfect for use in a group situation. Some high schools have a structured pre-med class and, of course, The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-Up Wounds" Course is perfectly suited as course material for these pre-med classes!
"Is this a difficult course to work through?" This course makes complex surgical concepts as simple as 1-2-3!
You will walk away from The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-Up Wounds" Course having built up an extensive knowledge of wound care and suturing methods and techniques.
What's more, you will get to practice what you've learned, and thus thoroughly retain the knowledge for years and years.
"Are there any practical applications to the course material?" Yes! Wound care and suturing makes up to 20 percent of the daily duties of a general medical practitioner. Suturing skills are required by surgeons, doctors, dentists, vets, nurses, paramedics and EMT's and a large number of allied medical practitioners and related medical staff.
"Can I use the 'How to Stitch-Up Wounds' Course to replace my doctor?" Definitely Not!
Your doctor studied for many, many years and accumulated a wealth of practical experience before he/she could apply to register at a professional board allowing him/her to sell their skills. The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course is exclusively intended for educational purposes, and may not be used to treat either human or animal patients!
"Are there any future courses we may look forward to?" Yes, indeed! A number of other career related courses are currently under development. The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Examine Patients" Course and Kit has been available for a while and remains popular amongst high school and college pre-med students - check it out using the link above! The next kit in The Apprentice Doctor® range will be "The Apprentice Vet". We will keep you informed.
"Will the CD-ROM run on my Apple Mac computer?" Yes, The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" CD-ROM will run on Windows based and Apple Mac computers. "I have a question not covered in this list - can you assist me?" Feel free to ask any further question - simply use the "Contact us" section for this purpose. Thank you!
To see order information for The Apprentice Doctor "How to Stitch Up Wound" Suturing Course, click here.
Dr. Anton Scheepers, BChD, MDent, FFD(SA), MFOS
President of The Apprentice Corporation
"Who can benefit from the 'How to Stitch-up Wounds' Suturing Course?" The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course has been designed with the following students in mind: * Medical and pre-med students
* Surgical interns/registrars and residents
* Students in other medical careers e.g. dentistry, nursing, paramedics etc.
* A resource to train Allied Healthcare professionals the basics principles of wound care (Osteopathic-, Homeopathic health practitioners, medical laboratory /office personnel, cosmetologists etc.)
* High school students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, desiring a "foretaste of their future career"
* Supplementary material to the high school Biology or Life Sciences curriculum
* Medics in the military
* Any person with a keen interest in medicine and wound care
"What are the objectives of the course?" The aim is to equip you with a basic understanding of the theory of suturing wounds and for you to acquire the skills to confidently tie surgical knots and suture lacerations. On completion of this course you should have a good understanding of: * The basic principles of wound care
* Knot tying techniques (as related to knots used in surgery)
* Surgical instruments used in suturing
* Suture materials
* The various suturing techniques used by medical professionals And you should also have the following skills: * Placing sub-cutaneous sutures
* Placing interrupted sutures
* Placing a variety of mattress sutures
* Tying a square knot (two-hand tie, one-hand tie, and instrument tie)
* Tying a surgeon's knot (one-hand tie, and instrument tie)
* Using a number of other types of suturing techniques
* Correcting minor discrepancies while suturing
* Removing sutures
"What are the basic subjects that the course covers?" To answer this question, let's have a look at The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course index: * Introduction and Preparation
* Basic Principles of Wound Care
* Surgical Knot Tying
* Basic Suturing Techniques
* Complications of Suturing
"Can you offer me more information regarding the 26 practical projects?" Yes of course! You will learn how to tie a variety of common surgical knots, how to stitch-up wounds and care for wounds using a 3-layered artificial skin that was specifically designed to imitate the feel and elasticity of the skin. The instruments and items (included in the kit at no extra cost when purchasing the Course material on CD-ROM) will be used to complete the majority of these projects. Now let's have a look at The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-Up Wounds" Course projects index: * Familiarize yourself with the Suture Kit
* Attach Suture Material to a needle
* How to clip the needle to a needle holder
* Prepare imitation skin for practicing suturing
* How to construct a rod for practicing suturing
* A demonstration of a square knot and a granny knot
* Make a square knot: Two-hand tie
* Make a square knot: One-hand tie
* Make a surgeon's knot: One-hand tie
* Make a square knot: Instrument tie
* Make a surgeon's knot: Instrument tie
* How to place subcutaneous sutures
* How to place interrupted sutures
* How to place interrupted sutures with buried knots
* How to place continuous sutures
* How to place continuous interlocking sutures
* How to place horizontal mattress sutures
* How to place vertical mattress sutures
* How to place "far and near" sutures
* How to place subcuticular sutures
* How to place purse string sutures
* How to correct a dog's ear
* How to correct unequal levels of tissue
* How to remove sutures
"Who developed this kit and course material?" The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course material is the cumulative effort of a number of medical professionals and experts in a variety of disciplines. The Apprentice Doctor® concept is the brainchild of Dr Anton Scheepers - a practicing Maxillofacial & Oral Surgeon and Medical School Lecturer.
"How old must I be to do this course?"
In order to gain the maximum benefit out of the course, students at high school and college level interested in a career in medicine should definitely do it! Also, many adults of various ages have marvelled about their newly gained medical knowledge and skills!
The course is not recommended for children under the age of 12 and parental supervision is recommended for anyone under 18.
"What do I get for my order?" * A PC and Mac compatible CD-ROM which contains the course material and practical projects.
* An 18-piece suture kit, imitation skin, suture thread and needles, and other items - all of which will be used as you work your way through the course. How to Stitch Up Wounds
"Do you only ship to people living in the USA and Canada?" We've sent The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course to every English speaking country in the world, and many non-English speaking countries. The short answer is that The Apprentice Corporation ships to every country on earth.
"How long will it take for my order to arrive?"
Orders are shipped from New York, USA, so if you live in the US, expect a delivery time between three and five business days. If you live in Canada, expect delivery in between five and ten business days. If you live outside the US, expect delivery in three to six weeks.
"Are there any dangers involved?" Great time and attention was given to the issue of safety, and clear guidelines and warnings are given where appropriate. The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course contains sharp instruments like a scalpel, sharp scissors and needles.
You are therefore advised to apply the utmost care and to take note of the appropriate warnings on the box and CD-ROM while using the product. The Apprentice Corporation cannot be held responsible for injuries.
"Is the course material accredited with educational authorities/medical schools?" The Apprentice Doctor® How to Stitch-up Wounds Course constitutes only a subsection of the surgical curriculum of medical and related healthcare studies. The course material is thus not formally accredited, but comes with the recommendation of numerous lecturers and professors of surgery. (See testimonial section). High school students may earn science credits when doing this course via Solid Rock Virtual School.
"Are the instruments included similar to those used by our family's doctor?" The instruments included with the course can be found in any medical doctor's office. These are not toys! They are real, functional entrance level medical instruments used by doctors and surgeons on a daily basis.
"Can I complete The Apprentice Doctor® 'How to Stitch-up Wounds' Course on my own?" The course can be completed in the comfort of your home at your own pace, and will take on average a week (6-8 hours per day) to complete. Parental supervision/guidance is strongly recommended for students younger than 18 years of age. We recommend that a professional medically qualified individual (A Surgeon, Doctor or Professional Nurse) evaluate and assess your knowledge and sign your certificate on completion of the course.
The course material is perfect for use in a group situation. Some high schools have a structured pre-med class and, of course, The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-Up Wounds" Course is perfectly suited as course material for these pre-med classes!
"Is this a difficult course to work through?" This course makes complex surgical concepts as simple as 1-2-3!
You will walk away from The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-Up Wounds" Course having built up an extensive knowledge of wound care and suturing methods and techniques.
What's more, you will get to practice what you've learned, and thus thoroughly retain the knowledge for years and years.
"Are there any practical applications to the course material?" Yes! Wound care and suturing makes up to 20 percent of the daily duties of a general medical practitioner. Suturing skills are required by surgeons, doctors, dentists, vets, nurses, paramedics and EMT's and a large number of allied medical practitioners and related medical staff.
"Can I use the 'How to Stitch-Up Wounds' Course to replace my doctor?" Definitely Not!
Your doctor studied for many, many years and accumulated a wealth of practical experience before he/she could apply to register at a professional board allowing him/her to sell their skills. The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course is exclusively intended for educational purposes, and may not be used to treat either human or animal patients!
"Are there any future courses we may look forward to?" Yes, indeed! A number of other career related courses are currently under development. The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Examine Patients" Course and Kit has been available for a while and remains popular amongst high school and college pre-med students - check it out using the link above! The next kit in The Apprentice Doctor® range will be "The Apprentice Vet". We will keep you informed.
"Will the CD-ROM run on my Apple Mac computer?" Yes, The Apprentice Doctor® "How to Stitch-up Wounds" CD-ROM will run on Windows based and Apple Mac computers. "I have a question not covered in this list - can you assist me?" Feel free to ask any further question - simply use the "Contact us" section for this purpose. Thank you!
To see order information for The Apprentice Doctor "How to Stitch Up Wound" Suturing Course, click here.
Dr. Anton Scheepers, BChD, MDent, FFD(SA), MFOS
President of The Apprentice Corporation
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