Humour Section

Now that´s really funny.

Wannes is the first not just talking about making jokes but just doing it, just as it has to be... :up:

...but here is the wrong place.

Just make a new Thread in the Social Section for it and there you can always add new ones, just paste all the given ones there into the first posting for backup.
One more joke :p
2 veterinarians were helping a friend open a new store, and decided to take a break. Since the shop wasn't due to open for a few days, the shelves were not fully set up. One Veterinarian said to the other: I bet some old fogey will walk by put his or her face to the window and ask what we're selling.
No sooner were the words out of his mouth, when an old woman peeked through the window and cheerfully asked: What are you selling?
We're selling assholes, replied one of the veterinarians sarcastically.
Without skipping a beat, the lovely old lady said: You must be doing well! You've only got two left! :p
This thread has made my day on multiple occasions. Gotten me through some tough days :)