I'm Machan From Australia


New member
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
Australia Pet Owner
I've been lurking around since I think June last year and thought I would finally get around to introducing myself. :wv:

My name is Machan, From Australia.
I own 3 Ferrets and 4 Cockatiels. I've owned many kinds of animals, have fostered cats and have worked with Race horses in the past.

I'm very active on a forum called Holistic Ferret Forum, which actually lead to to research on ferret (Species appropriate) nutrition. I got really into learning about obligate carnivore nutrition that I ended up finding this forum and it's been a great help to my research. (Thank you very much for everyones hard work!) It even lead me onto other subjects and now I plan on studying to become a Vet Nurse, then go on to becoming a Vet after I gain a good amount of experience. My favourite area for studying is exotics and preferably obligate carnivores like cats or ferrets, I also enjoy learning about toxicology.

That's basically all~
Hi Machan,

feel welcomed!

According to your first posting it is really nice to see a newbie starting up with giving something constructive to the community!
You´re giving a good example!

Nice Pics and future plans!