Imaging the canine and feline pancreas. A review, Ultrasound. Eyelid surgery.

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Jan 26, 2010
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Venezuela Small Animal Veterinarian
Imaging the Canine and Feline Pancreas. A Review, Ultrasound.
Eyelid Surgery.



Pages: 10 & 8
Publisher: --
Edition: Flemish Veterinarian Journal, 2010, 79 and Veterinarni Medicina, Issue 55, Vol. 3, 2010, 137 - 143
Language: English
ISSN: --


Acute pancreatitis in dogs and cats:medical imaging, biopsy, treatment and prognosis
Diagnosing acute pancreatitis in dogs and cats is difficult. Abdominal ultrasonography provides specific
information about the size, shape and homogeneity of the pancreas, but is very dependent on the experience
of the operator and the quality of the echography machine. Abdominal radiography is less useful, while
computed tomography is less practicable in veterinary patients because of the anesthesia risks, the need for
experienced operators, and the high cost. Furthermore, computed tomography has low diagnostic value in cats.
Biopsy of pancreatic tissue remains the gold standard. Treatment consists of fluid therapy and nutritional
support, combined with pain medication, anti-emetics and antibiotics. The prognosis in dogs and cats is
variable and largely depends on the clinical condition of the patient at admission. It is usually guarded,
especially in cats.

Upper eyelid and medial canthus reconstructive surgery after histiocytoma resection in a dog: a case report

And the Eyelid surgery, a short but sustancial article with images showing before and after corrective surgery.
A six year old crossbred male dog presented with non-pigmented, pale pink, unhaired, ulcerative
tumor of the medial canthus and upper eyelid region. As treatment, surgery was proposed. During the surgery
complete excision of the tumor was performed. The extent of skin loss, especially in the upper eyelid required
plastic reconstruction by pedicle flap transposition. The soft skin of the cheek was chosen as a graft donor site.
The postoperative period proceeded without any complications and ended with successful engraftment. The soft
cheek skin did not impede movement of the upper eyelid. Histopathological examination indicated histiocytoma
and tumor-free excisional margins were confirmed. There has been no recurrence during the subsequent 12 month

Enjoy! :great:
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Imaging the Canine and Feline Pancreas. A Review, Ultrasound.
Eyelid Surgery.

Enjoy! :great:
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