Demonstration Intraperitoneal Injection into Adult Zebrafish


Nov 3, 2009
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Belgium Small Animal Veterinarian
Intraperitoneal Injection into Adult Zebrafish

Mary D. Kinkel[SUP]1[/SUP], Stefani C. Eames[SUP]2[/SUP], Louis H. Philipson[SUP]2, 3[/SUP], Victoria E. Prince[SUP]1[/SUP]
[SUP]1[/SUP]Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, The University of Chicago, [SUP]2[/SUP]Committee on Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition, The University of Chicago, [SUP]3[/SUP]Department of Medicine, The University of Chicago



1:19Pre-injection Preparations

5:34Cold-water Anesthesia, Injection, and Recovery

7:56Blood Glucose Levels After 72 Hour Fast and Glucose Injection


A convenient method for chemically treating zebrafish is to introduce the reagent into the tank water, where it will be taken up by the fish. However, this method makes it difficult to know how much reagent is absorbed or taken up per fish. Some experimental questions, particularly those related to metabolic studies, may be better addressed by delivering a defined quantity to each fish, based on weight. Here we present a method for intraperitoneal (IP) injection into adult zebrafish. Injection is into the abdominal cavity, posterior to the pelvic girdle. This procedure is adapted from veterinary methods used for larger fish. It is safe, as we have observed zero mortality. Additionally, we have seen bleeding at the injection site in only 5 out of 127 injections, and in each of those cases the bleeding was brief, lasting several seconds, and the quantity of blood lost was small. Success with this procedure requires gentle handling of the fish through several steps including fasting, weighing, anesthetizing, injection, and recovery. Precautions are required to minimize stress throughout the procedure. Our precautions include using a small injection volume and a 35G needle. We use Cortland salt solution as the vehicle, which is osmotically balanced for freshwater fish. Aeration of the gills is maintained during the injection procedure by first bringing the fish into a surgical plane of anesthesia, which allows slow operculum movements, and second, by holding the fish in a trough within a water-saturated sponge during the injection itself. We demonstrate the utility of IP injection by injecting glucose and monitoring the rise in blood glucose level and its subsequent return to normal. As stress is known to increase blood glucose in teleost fish, we compare blood glucose levels in vehicle-injected and non-injected adults and show that the procedure does not cause a significant rise in blood glucose.