Microbes in Motion 3 CD-ROM (CD-ROM)

super boi

Mar 4, 2010
Reaction score
Brazil Non-Veterinarian
Microbes in Motion 3 CD-ROM (CD-ROM)


Bacterial Structure and Function
Microbial Metabolism and Growth
Anaerobic Bacteria: Structure, Function, Metabolism, and Involvement in Human Disease
Viral Structure and Function: And Involvement in Human Disease
Parasitic Structure and Function: And Io-vement in Human Disease
Fungal Structure and Function: And Involvement in Human Disease
Gram-Positive Organisms in Human Hosts: Normal Flora and Disease
Gram-Negative Organisms in Human Hosts: Normal Flora and Disease
Miscellaneous Bacteria in Human Hosts: Normal Flora and Disease
Microbial Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
Control of Microbes: Physical and Chemical Agents
Antimicrobial Action: Antimicrobial Agents, Mechanisms of Action Mechanisms of!/,imicrobial Resistance
Concepts on Epidemiology of Infectious Disease
Vaccines/Glossary and Topic Search



Dear Super Bio, it seems that all links, here and on the site the link just below the title redirects you to, have expired - I get a 'file does not exist' message.
Nevertheless, www.medicalto.com seems a good source of books!! Thanks anyway!!
aqui estão os links para o rapidshare, se alguem tiver a conta premium do rapidshare, pode baixar e colocar em outro servidor para que volte a funcionar novamente ... alguem se habilita ?

here are the links to rapidshare, if someone has a rapidshare premium account, you can download and put on another server to come back on ... someone is empowering?

aquí están los enlaces a Rapidshare, si alguien tiene una cuenta rapidshare prima, usted puede descargar y poner en otro servidor vuelva a estar en ... alguien está permitiendo?

password: 9oop.com
none of the rapidshare links is working........................
so who has a premium account that can help us right now my dear friend!
All links are Dead

Please.. if someone have this files... please upload it again...

Best Regards
so who has a premium account that can help us right now my dear friend!

I have rapidshare premium account but those links aren't working.

Sorry friends, we have to wait for savior;)