Pathology Natural Killer Cells: Basic Science and Clinical Application, 2010

Muhammad Hamid

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Nov 11, 2010
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Pakistan Veterinary Student

Michael T. Lotze and Angus W. Thomson | ISBN-10: 0123704545 | ISBN-13: 978-0123704542 | Academic Press

The Natural Killer [NK] Cell plays a critical role in regulating the innate and adaptive immune response to pathogens, injury and stress. Although originally portrayed as primarily a lytic cell, the NK cell has emerged as a cell capable of helper function, expansion, contraction, and accelerated memory responses -[COLOR=#CC0099 !important]features similar to other adaptive immune cells. It is a [COLOR=#CC0099 !important]professional[/COLOR] accelerator of immunity, mediating dendritic cell maturation and its precursors critical for the origin and development of secondary [COLOR=#CC0099 !important]lymph node[/COLOR] structures. NK cells also play an essential role in mammalian placentation by regulating the [COLOR=#CC0099 !important]quality[/COLOR] of blood supply to the growing fetus. These characteristics place the NK cell in a unique position, with a major role in sculpting the host response to damage and injury.[/COLOR]
This volume is the first [COLOR=#CC0099 !important]complete and authoritative reference to explore these emergent, exciting aspects of the NK cell, placing it at the center of damage/danger recognition and the response to stress. Natural Killer Cells details NK cell [COLOR=#CC0099 !important]biology[/COLOR], the role of NK cells in regulating immunity through interactions with other cells and tissues, the participation of NK cells in disease and special topics in NK biology.
