hedgehogs are really nice animals and they are very useful in the wild in keeping a good ecosystem equilibrium. In my area, in Romania, there are a lot of wild-living hedgehogs, even in the big cities (if you stay quiet in a summer night in a garden or in the back of a building you can hear them in the grass looking for some food). I do not agree taking them from their free lives and keeping them as pets. For this reason we try to release them as soon as possible if we have to treat them and we try not to use them with human presence and contact. Lately we also have hedgehogs in pet-shops, even albino ones (again, I do not agree with this type of selection, promoting a genetic defect only for their "cute" appearance). These are born in captivity.
Everything I have about hedgehogs is from this exceptional site and you can download also these (I do not post the links because I think this would mean duplicate posting). I did not find a whole book about hedgehogs but there are chapters and details about them in the following books:
- Practical wildlife care (a whole chapter and many references on them in almost all the other chapters - you can find the book if you write "hedgehog" in the search box, right upper corner of this page for example),
- BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets, 4th edition, 2002,
- Exotic Pet Behavior: birds, Reptiles and Small Mammals, (you can find these two if you write "exotic pets" in the same search box.
You can also find some information about housing, managing and keeping hedgehogs on some websites, such as:
http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/comemeetmyfamily/CaringForYourHedgehog.html (this is a site of a person keeping hedgehogs, it is written also based on own experience),
I hope you will find useful things in this sources. Good luck with the hedgehogs and do not keep them in captivity if it is not compulsory.
Best regards,