New section for ePub ebooks and other formats

New Vet

Moderator of eBooks Section
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Egypt Large Animal Veterinarian
New section for ePub ebooks and other formats

What about creating new subfroum in veterinary ebooks forum
for books in format other than pdf ( ePub , CHM , PDA , etc)
I suggest that forum because I can provide a large number of epub ebooks (original from the publisher not converted from pdf )
suitable for reading devices support Adobe Digital Editions
Need advice from Admin , moderators and members
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what we do give a invaluable source of knowledge through each book that we doesn't matter in which format u share that book (even we give the softwares to open it) something free and everyone have to be thankful for that.....besides....if u create more subforum.....can be more problematic for some members.....greetings!
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I transfer some epub ebooks posted here to my nokia mobile phone
and I found it useful to have your books every where you
go , second
I found that most veterinary books in available for me
in the epub format , so I suggest that forum.
I think sharing books only not enough we must
think how to learn from these books or the books
we have will be useless
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and create a forum about that will change something?....If I download a book in pdf or epub format.....the format will change the use that I will give to them?......If I dont have a device that read epub a epub book will make a difference?.....Is a personal decision what we are gonna do with every book that we get from here.....make a new subforum will not change that...
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Well, I do believe that the idea of creating a new sub-forum for ePub books is excellent!

I see it more as a way to do a better classification of the books, in which, only in a specific sub-forum
of every Forum of the EBooks Section, like a sub-forum for BSAVA Serie, Blackwell's 5 Minutes Veterinary Consult Book Series, reciently created.

Or maybe only in those Forums, in which our dears
New Vet and Animal, believes can give more contributions.

This is the way I keep them saved, in a folder apart but inside the forum It belonged to.

I believe is a better way to locate them, easier to access to them by grouping them in a sub-forum but in each Forum not as one whole big sub-forum, that's not tidy or organized. It's complicated.

And YES, we all want to share free Knowledge!

That's why we are helping each other and everyone decide what to do with them and more important if we can provide a way to make them useful or more accesible, my point of view.
Accesibility ( mobile phones, tablets, mini laptops, PDA, sub-forum ) is my dear
New Vet a better way to teach our members to learn, as you say, from the books here freely given, 'cause always will be the book at hand.

Just, being oportune and for your consideration:

To dear Dr. Stator, a sub-forum for Self-Assessment Colour Review of Books Series for Small Animal ( Pets ) eBooks Section
would be, as well useful, same criteria from above. Classification and Accesibility.

Thank you,


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and create a forum about that will change something?....If I download a book in pdf or epub format.....the format will change the use that I will give to them?......If I dont have a device that read epub a epub book will make a difference?...
..Is a personal decision what we are gonna do with every book that we get from here.....make a new subforum will not change that...

I'll give an example about the difference between epub and pdf
I download that book

and want to print it but because the book haven't page numbers
and when try to print 896 pages it may be reach more than 1000
pages and the pdf converted from it haven't page numbers and
low in quality
so now I'm searching for the pdf ebook of that book
This is an example
but....I still dont know how creating a subforum will make a difference in the use that everyone will give to the matter if it's a epub o pdf ebook...till now....the forum that we have works fine......poeple search books through categories and name.....not for the format.....
Ooo, I love this idea - because there are very different books that I want as ePub vs those I want as PDF or other format. It would be nice to have a way to quickly see what books are available as epub format (i.e. if they were all in one forum).
While I don't understand the strong opposition to creating sub forums which declare file format. Could we not compromise and simply ask posters to include file format in their thread subject lines?
I think it would be nice to have a epub subsection, but ccrawford's solution might be the simplest and keep everyone happy.

A simple [epub] in the subject line woud do the trick =)
I would also suggest not to creat different format sections. It would be more useful to creat sub-categories within the existing forums.
e.g. in the small animal book section I would like to habe categries like surgery, internal medicine, anesthesiology and so on.
What about uploading both formats? Where's the problem :questionmark:
It would be ideal to be able to allow access to all books in different formats, but ideally only the links to the best quality items should be provided, by replacing dead or poor copy links with active and good quality ones.

If multiple links to the same book exist, these should be available through a single source (page), grading the links by quality (original, copy,...), format, etc. in an easy seach format.
I think the create a ebook subforum is a great idea. It would be more organized. It's my opinion.
I think the create a ebook subforum is a great idea but i want to opiation

What about subdividing the forum on subject? Anatomy, internal medicine, medical imaging,etc...
If all books, conversations are grouped per subject I think it will be easier to find what you need.
Nowadays there are many ebook readers available and it's an extremely practical way to have veterinary books at hand. It is hard to find the epub books here so a different way of classifying them would be very useful. A very big thank you to everyone that has been a part of this forum and has helped this site grow!
I'll give an example about the difference between epub and pdf
I download that book

and want to print it but because the book haven't page numbers
and when try to print 896 pages it may be reach more than 1000
pages and the pdf converted from it haven't page numbers and
low in quality
so now I'm searching for the pdf ebook of that book
This is an example