New thread needed - medical equipment


New member
Feb 15, 2012
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my suggestion is to open a new thread about medical equipment used by vet. clinics (usg, x-ray, ultrasound) and all vets will have a possibility to exchange their own experience of used products (which is the best etc.). What do you think?
I think this is a great idea, know which one is the best "bang for the buck" is extremely important here in Italy. (specially for new vets)
Is and excellent idea, because is a international relationship, sharing experience ideas, and can improve the technology.

I am an young vet, and also interested in equipments for one clinic. Can somebody help me with this? example: you recomand to buy an second hand x-ray? which one?
It's a good idea. I need some reference about the equipment because I want to be a practician, with a cheap price of course.
really a grat idea, i suggest to create not just a new thread about medical equipment , but a new ROOM with different sub thread for each type of equipment, for example here are some titles I'm interest on:
-ultrasoud machine (what do i have to look at before to buy a used one?)
- sistemic pressure mesure (doppler or oscillometric?)
- assistance post purchase
Don't know how practical this idea would be but definitely not against it. Most exciting new toy has been a Sonosite Edge ultrasound. Great except only takes jpeg images that are not editable. But great image to start with.