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Terrestrial Animal Health Code
OIE; vols. I & II
19th Edition, 2010
Summary :OIE; vols. I & II
19th Edition, 2010
The aim of the 19th edition of the Terrestrial Code is to assure the sanitary safety of international trade in terrestrial animals and their products. This is achieved through the detailing of health measures to be used by the veterinary authorities of importing and exporting countries to avoid the transfer of agents pathogenic for animals or humans, while avoiding unjustified sanitary barriers.
The health measures in the Terrestrial Code (in the form of standards and recommendations) have been formally adopted by the World Assembly of the Delegates of the OIE Members. This 19th edition incorporates the modifications to the Terrestrial Code agreed during the 78th General Session in May 2010.
These include revised chapters on the following subjects: glossary; criteria for listing diseases; animal health surveillance; surveilance for arthropod vectors of animal diseases; status for OIE listed diseases; import risk analysis; Veterinary Services; evaluation of Veterinary Services; design and implementation of identification system to achieve animal traceability; zoning and compartmentalisation; application of compartmenalisation; general hygiene in semen collection and processing centres; collection and processing of bovine, small ruminant and porcine semen; collection and processing of in vivo derived embryos from livestock and horses; collection and processing of in vitro produced embryos/oocytes from livestck and horses; collection and processing of laboratory rodent and rabbit embryos/ova; disposal of dead animals; general obligations related to certification; certification procedures; border posts and quarantine stations in the importing country; control of hazards of animal health and public heath importance in animal feed; prevention, detection and control of Salmonella in poultry; introduction to the recommendations for controlling antimicrobial resistance; transport of animals by land; transport of animals by see; slaughter of animals; killing of animals for disease control purposes; contol of stray dog populations; anthrax; Aujeszky's disease; bluetongue; foot and mouth disease; Rift Valley fever; West Nile fever; avian influenza; Newcastle disease; bovine spongiform encephalopathy; bovine tuberculosis; bovine tuberculosis of farmed cervidae; contagious bovine pleuropneumonia; enzootic bovine leukosis; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/ infectious pustular vulvovaginitis; lumpy skin disease; equine influenza; equine viral arteritis; scrapie and classical swine fever.
This edition includes a new chapter on the use of animals in research and education.
The chapters on Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium in poultry, bovine cycticercosis, dermatophilosis, epizootic lymphangitis, horse mange, horse pox and atrophic rhinitis of swine have been deleted from this edition.
The development of these standards and recommendations is the result of the continuous work since 1960 of one of the OIE's Specialist Commissions, the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission. The first Terrestrial Code was published in 1968. This Commission draws upon the expertise of internationally renowned specialists to prepare draft texts for new articles of the Terrestrial Code or revise existing articles in the light of advances in veterinary science.
The value of the Terrestrial Code is twofold: that the measures published in it are the result of consensus among the veterinary authorities of OIE Members, and that it constitutes a reference within the World Trade Organization Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures as an international standard for animal health and zoonoses.
The OIE Terrestrial Code is a reference document for use by Veterinary Authorities, import/export services, epidemiologists and all those involved in international trade.
A users' guide is available.