Pathologic basis of veterinary disease - 4th edition

ArchiverArchiver is verified member.

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Feb 6, 2009
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Germany Small Animal Veterinarian
chocolate chip

told me that he have this book in pdf format and he wish to post it here in the vip

in return i promised him to give access to vip

but i am confused about the period

so what do you think,

give him 1 wk to access or 2 or 1 month or 2 month or .... what your opinion :questionmark:
chocolate chip

told me that he have this book in pdf format and he wish to post it here in the vip

in return i promised him to give access to vip

but i am confused about the period

so what do you think,

give him 1 wk to access or 2 or 1 month or 2 month or .... what your opinion :questionmark:

I think we should make a better profile of him, so we can decide if he is a reliable member in general or if this would be his first great contribution.

Becoming a VIP should not exclusively depend on scanned books, there should be more factors to support a decision about it.

Just look at mghanedvm and his great practical support in the inquiry section!
Is almost a month since Dr.Stator ask for an opinion about this item. Is there not anybody else that have an opinion about this????
Why? any idea is important to improve the forum and all the people here should contribute to that!!!

May be this thread should be delete it