Proceedings of Heifer Mastitis Conference
June 24 -26, 2007
Ghent , Belgium
Final Program & Abstract Book
Never before has a conference focused solely on heifer mastitis, a problem that has plagued farmers and their advisors for so many years. The scientific and organizing committees have compiled an excellent program full of prominent lecturers replete with high quality presentations and posters from researchers currently working on the subject. As you read this text packed with state-of-the-art information and opportunities to learn and discuss, to exchange views, to think about innovative approaches …
Enjoy! :up:
June 24 -26, 2007
Ghent , Belgium
Final Program & Abstract Book
Never before has a conference focused solely on heifer mastitis, a problem that has plagued farmers and their advisors for so many years. The scientific and organizing committees have compiled an excellent program full of prominent lecturers replete with high quality presentations and posters from researchers currently working on the subject. As you read this text packed with state-of-the-art information and opportunities to learn and discuss, to exchange views, to think about innovative approaches …
Enjoy! :up:
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