small animal practice software


New member
Oct 21, 2010
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Greece Non-Veterinarian
I have read all the posts for a suitable software but i cannot find one. Do you have in mind any free or cracked software for managing a small animal practice? Thank you in advance
I would be interested in any information about this as well, trying to computerize my practice, very expensive.
do you know some software for equine too! i ask this here because i'm interested to both kind of software.
than you.

I don't know about your countries' policies, but in Portugal vet practices are surveyed periodically and you can't have any cracked or otherwise illegal software. :p
On the other hand, all practices have to adopt a veterinary managing software, so here this is an expense you can't escape when you plan on opening a new veterinary practice.
Isn't there any good free clinic software for nobody? Qvet is not working properly on my machine. Some sort of idea for it?
Hi, i have created some database softwares for clinical practice. Mostly for my friends. They are developed with ms access and easy to use. If you want, i can send you a copy free.
Volrath i'm surely interested in your software. Can you send me a copy?
I tried also with access but I don't have enough experience.
If you can send me a copy of your work I will be thankful
I don't know if it applies to you guys, but there is a company that produces a piece of software for vets called "bee free" (google it). The idea is that you get the software for free, but you are obliged to set some time aside for reps to visit you, something a lot of vets avoid!
As you are in greece, you may not have to deal with the reps, so look it up, it may work for you.
gimme a little time to translate it to english, in this time please pm me for your special requirements (like reminder etc.)
is there anyone to tell me were can i find a program for fish management??? for hatcheries or something else????
Hi, i have created some database softwares for clinical practice. Mostly for my friends. They are developed with ms access and easy to use. If you want, i can send you a copy free.
could u send me one of your copy too?