Spinal cord injury


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May 16, 2011
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Colombia Non-Veterinarian
This thread is for discussion of everything about spinal cord injury, feel free to post any information that you have, I will be posting articles soon...
here are some articles about the pathology, farmacology and some studies about the possible medical treatment of the secondary lesions:
Causes and Symptoms of Spinal cord injury.

This thread is for discussion of everything about spinal cord injury, feel free to post any information that you have, I will be posting articles soon...

The spinal cord is very sensitive to injury. Unlike other parts of your body, the spinal cord does not have the ability to repair itself if it is damaged.

Causes of spinal cord injury:

* Road traffic accidents, domestic and work-related accidents, sports injuries, self-harm, assault or complications following surgery.

* Infection of the spinal nerve cells, cysts or tumours pressing on the spinal cord, interruption of the blood supply to the spinal cord, congenital medical conditions that affect the structure of the spinal column.

Symptoms of Spinal cord Injury:

Injuries to the spinal cord can cause-

* Weakness or complete loss of muscle function and loss of sensation in the body below the level of injury.
* Loss of control of the bowels and bladder, and loss of normal sexual function.
* Spinal cord injuries in the upper neck can cause difficulty breathing and may require the use of a breathing machine, or ventilator.
* In severe cases it may cause paralysis of both arms and legs.