The Primate Nervous System Part I


Feb 24, 2009
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India Small Animal Veterinarian
The Primate Nervous System Part I
By T. Hökfelt, A. Björklund, Floyd E. Bloom

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 552
Publication Date: 1997-05-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444825584
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444825582
Binding: Hardcover


Product Description:
This volume is a new, timely and fitting extension to the Handbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy, focussing on the neurochemical circuitry of the primate brain. The book will compliment the growing efforts to apply the analytical strategies of chemical neuroanatomy to the primate brain. The goal of this volume is to develop a broad-based coverage of human and non-human primate chemical neuroanatomic details together within a volume in which details on transmitters and systems can be appreciated. The eight comprehensive chapters that comprise this volume deal with large global concepts and datasets which not only create an initial coverage of the entire primate neuraxis, but also capture useful points of information on the chemical neuranatomy of the primate nervous system.


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The Primate Nervous System Part II

The Primate Nervous System Part II
By Floyd E. Bloom, T. Hökfelt, A. Björklund

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 448
Publication Date: 1998-09-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444829121
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444829122
Binding: Hardcover


This volume is the second in the planned coverage of the neurochemical circuitry of the primate central nervous system. While this volume contains only two chapters, their topics and the extraordinarily comprehensive coverage with which the authors have dealt with their topics, will nevertheless contribute equal amounts of knowledge, wisdom, and opportunities for future research extensions as have every volume in this unique series. As such, these chapters extend the goals of this primate series to develop a broad coverage of human and non-human primate chemical neuroanatomic details in a volume which makes clear the known and desirable appreciation for differences between and among subsets of primate brains.


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The Primate Nervous System Part III

The Primate Nervous System Part III
By T. Hökfelt, A. Björklund, Floyd E. Bloom

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 456
Publication Date: 1999-10-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 044450043X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444500434
Binding: Hardcover


This volume is the third and final part of the planned coverage of the neurochemical circuitry of the primate central nervous system. The five chapters included in this volume complement and integrate magnificently with the two prior volumes.Included in the volume are the following: a two-fold exposition on the human forebrain, comprised of a comprehensive overview of the entire human forebrain, and a specific focus on the basal forebrain (a region critical for a wide range of human problems ranging from substance abuse to Alzheimer's disease), a critical synthesis of the primate basal ganglia (a region under intense scrutiny for the organization of motor programs, and for their dysfunctions in Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and other malfunctions), the chemical and anatomic details of the primate hippocampal formation in extenso, and lastly, a review of the rapidly growing literature on the mesocortical projection of dopaminergic circuits onto the primate frontal cortex ( a system highly linked to higher order mental abstractions, as well as the dysfunctions of schizophrenia).


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