What Vaccinations Does My Cat Need?


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Dec 26, 2015
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United States Pet Owner
Vaccinations not only protect your pets from dangerous viruses and diseases such as sneezing, coughing and fever but also let them enjoy a better quality of life. I have a 4-year white cat. So, I just wanted to ask you what type of vaccinations does my cat need and how often?
4 in 1 / FVRCP - 1st vaccination at 6-8 weeks old, 2nd: 10-12 weeks old, 3rd: 14-16 weeks old, booster: yearly
rabies - 1st: 3 months old, booster: yearly
deworming - 1st: 2 weeks old, 2nd: 4 weeks old, 3rd: 6 weeks old, 4th: as needed, booster: every 4-6 months

if you do not want to over-vaccinate, you can perform a titer test first. vaccination programs also depend on your clinic
I would say it depends on where in the world the cat is and what the recomendations from the producer are. We use Nobivac Tricat at 8w, 12w, 1y and then each 3d year with Nobivac Ducat the tears between.
We give a tricat shot around 9 weeks of age and repeat after 21 days , after that we revaccinate after and every year.
I necessary after verifing that the cat hasn't got felv with a test we then vaccinate with felv vaccine if and only if they are at risk.