- Joined
- Jun 5, 2015
- Messages
- 500
- Reaction score
- 2,512
- Points
- 93

- Abdominal Anatomy intropcrativc
- Abdominal Anatomy intropcrativc
- Anesthesia Machine
- Avian Physical Exam
- Better Instrument tie
- Better OneHanded Tie
- Blood Glucose Test
- Blood Glucose Test
- Blood Smear
- Bone Marrow AspirationForelimb
- Bone Marrow Proximal Humerus
- Brain Removal Dr. dcLahunta
- BUN Test
- Canine Basic Restraint 1
- Canine Bone Marrow AspirationForelimb
- Canine Urethral Catheterization
- Canine Basic Restraint 2
- Canine Cephalic Intravenous Injection
- Canine Cephalic Venipuncture
- Canine Jugular Venipuncture
- Canine Lateral Intravenous Injection
- Canine Lateral Restraint
- Canine Lateral Saphenous Venipuncture
- Canine Muzzle
- Canine Saphenous Intravenous Injection
- Canine Transtracheal Aspiration
- Canine. Feline Peripheral Intravenous Catheter
- Canine. Feline Subcutaneous Injection
- Claw Amputation
- Coagulation Assay Collection Techniques
- Cruciate Suture
- Cystocentesis Canine
- Cystocentesis Dr. Ledbetter Case
- Cystocentesis Feline
- Direct Ophthalmoscopy
- Dr. Center Extended Exam
- Dr. Hornbucklc 7 Minute Physical
- Dr. Todhunter’s Lameness Exam
- Equine Eye Catheter
- Equine Eye Injection
- Equine Foot Lifting and Handling
- Equine Halter Application and Leading
- Equine Intramuscular injection
- Equine Intravenous Catherization
- Equine Intravenous Injection
- Equine Jugular Venipuncture
- Equine Limb Bandage Application
- Equine Ophthalmic Medication Administration
- Equine Oral Medication Administration
- Equine Tail Tie
- Equine Twitch
- Eye Catheter
- Eye Injection
- FDye.mov
- Feline 2 Cephalic Venipuncture
- Feline Cephalic Venipuncture
- Feline Cystocentesis
- Feline Induction and Intubation
- Feline Jugular Puncture
- Feline Jugular Venipuncture
- Feline Less is Best
- Feline Medial Saphenous Venipuncture
- Feline Ovariectomy
- Feline Restraint Positions
- Feline Scruff and Stretch
- Feline Transport
- Feline Urethral Catherization
- Feline Ventral midline incision
- Fine Needle Aspirate
- Horse Castration
- Hysterectomy
- Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
- Instrument tie Better
- Instrument Tie (Suture Patterns)
- Intradermal suture pattern
- Kitty Burrito
- Kitty in a Bag
- Large Canine Restraint
- LDA_rev_052102.mov .mp4
- LDA.mov .mp4
- Making a Diagnostic Blood Smear
- Necropsy Dr. King
- Non Rebreather
- Obtaining Fine Needle Aspirates and Making Thin Preps
- One_handed_tie
- Packed Cell Volume Test
- Pathologic Jugular Pulse
- Peripheral IV Catheter Old Small Animal
- Physical Exam of the Rabbit
- Pony Anesthesia
- RDA_rev_052102.mov
- RDA.mov
- RTA_rev_052102.mov
- Schirmer Tear Test
- Simple continious suture pattern
- Small Animal Ear Swab and Cytology
- Small Animal Fluorescein Dye
- Small Animal Intravenous Fluid I lookup (Infusion Pump)
- Small Animal Intravenous Fluid I lookup (Syringe Pump)
- Small Animal Jugular vein catherization
- Small Animal Nasal Swab Cytology
- Small Animal Subcutaneous Fluid Administration
- Small Animal Subcutaneous Injection
- Small Canine Restraint
- Surgeons Knot
- Surgeons Knot or Throw
- Two Handed Tie
- Two_Handed_Surgons_Knot.flv
- Two_Handed_Surgons_Knot.flv
- Urinary_Catherization_Canine.flv
- Urinary_Cathcrization_Feline
- Urinary_Cathcrization_Feline.(lv
- Ventral Midline Wound Closure
Password: vetelib.com |