Cornell Veterinary Skills Video Package

HopeHope is verified member.

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Jun 5, 2015
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Austria Professor at Vet School
  1. Abdominal Anatomy intropcrativc
  2. Abdominal Anatomy intropcrativc
  3. Anesthesia Machine
  4. Avian Physical Exam
  5. Better Instrument tie
  6. Better OneHanded Tie
  7. Blood Glucose Test
  8. Blood Glucose Test
  9. Blood Smear
  10. Bone Marrow AspirationForelimb
  11. Bone Marrow Proximal Humerus
  12. Brain Removal Dr. dcLahunta
  13. BUN Test
  14. Canine Basic Restraint 1
  15. Canine Bone Marrow AspirationForelimb
  16. Canine Urethral Catheterization
  17. Canine Basic Restraint 2
  18. Canine Cephalic Intravenous Injection
  19. Canine Cephalic Venipuncture
  20. Canine Jugular Venipuncture
  21. Canine Lateral Intravenous Injection
  22. Canine Lateral Restraint
  23. Canine Lateral Saphenous Venipuncture
  24. Canine Muzzle
  25. Canine Saphenous Intravenous Injection
  26. Canine Transtracheal Aspiration
  27. Canine. Feline Peripheral Intravenous Catheter
  28. Canine. Feline Subcutaneous Injection
  29. Claw Amputation
  30. Coagulation Assay Collection Techniques
  31. Cruciate Suture
  32. Cystocentesis Canine
  33. Cystocentesis Dr. Ledbetter Case
  34. Cystocentesis Feline
  35. Direct Ophthalmoscopy
  36. Dr. Center Extended Exam
  37. Dr. Hornbucklc 7 Minute Physical
  38. Dr. Todhunter’s Lameness Exam
  39. Equine Eye Catheter
  40. Equine Eye Injection
  41. Equine Foot Lifting and Handling
  42. Equine Halter Application and Leading
  43. Equine Intramuscular injection
  44. Equine Intravenous Catherization
  45. Equine Intravenous Injection
  46. Equine Jugular Venipuncture
  47. Equine Limb Bandage Application
  48. Equine Ophthalmic Medication Administration
  49. Equine Oral Medication Administration
  50. Equine Tail Tie
  51. Equine Twitch
  52. Eye Catheter
  53. Eye Injection
  55. Feline 2 Cephalic Venipuncture
  56. Feline Cephalic Venipuncture
  57. Feline Cystocentesis
  58. Feline Induction and Intubation
  59. Feline Jugular Puncture
  60. Feline Jugular Venipuncture
  61. Feline Less is Best
  62. Feline Medial Saphenous Venipuncture
  63. Feline Ovariectomy
  64. Feline Restraint Positions
  65. Feline Scruff and Stretch
  66. Feline Transport
  67. Feline Urethral Catherization
  68. Feline Ventral midline incision
  69. Fine Needle Aspirate
  70. Horse Castration
  71. Hysterectomy
  72. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
  73. Instrument tie Better
  74. Instrument Tie (Suture Patterns)
  75. Intradermal suture pattern
  76. Kitty Burrito
  77. Kitty in a Bag
  78. Large Canine Restraint
  79. .mp4
  80. .mp4
  81. Making a Diagnostic Blood Smear
  82. Necropsy Dr. King
  83. Non Rebreather
  84. Obtaining Fine Needle Aspirates and Making Thin Preps
  85. One_handed_tie
  86. Packed Cell Volume Test
  87. Pathologic Jugular Pulse
  88. Peripheral IV Catheter Old Small Animal
  89. Physical Exam of the Rabbit
  90. Pony Anesthesia
  91. QATS
  95. Schirmer Tear Test
  96. Simple continious suture pattern
  97. Small Animal Ear Swab and Cytology
  98. Small Animal Fluorescein Dye
  99. Small Animal Intravenous Fluid I lookup (Infusion Pump)
  100. Small Animal Intravenous Fluid I lookup (Syringe Pump)
  101. Small Animal Jugular vein catherization
  102. Small Animal Nasal Swab Cytology
  103. Small Animal Subcutaneous Fluid Administration
  104. Small Animal Subcutaneous Injection
  105. Small Canine Restraint
  106. Surgeons Knot
  107. Surgeons Knot or Throw
  108. Two Handed Tie
  109. Two_Handed_Surgons_Knot.flv
  110. Two_Handed_Surgons_Knot.flv
  111. Urinary_Catherization_Canine.flv
  112. Urinary_Cathcrization_Feline
  113. Urinary_Cathcrization_Feline.(lv
  114. Ventral Midline Wound Closure
  115. VTMED5220 EMI



Could you update the link please?it is written that the file is not available anymore
Hi, I am unable to see any links here.
Can you please update it/provide instructions on viewing/downloading it.

Thank you.
  1. Abdominal Anatomy intropcrativc
  2. Abdominal Anatomy intropcrativc
  3. Anesthesia Machine
  4. Avian Physical Exam
  5. Better Instrument tie
  6. Better OneHanded Tie
  7. Blood Glucose Test
  8. Blood Glucose Test
  9. Blood Smear
  10. Bone Marrow AspirationForelimb
  11. Bone Marrow Proximal Humerus
  12. Brain Removal Dr. dcLahunta
  13. BUN Test
  14. Canine Basic Restraint 1
  15. Canine Bone Marrow AspirationForelimb
  16. Canine Urethral Catheterization
  17. Canine Basic Restraint 2
  18. Canine Cephalic Intravenous Injection
  19. Canine Cephalic Venipuncture
  20. Canine Jugular Venipuncture
  21. Canine Lateral Intravenous Injection
  22. Canine Lateral Restraint
  23. Canine Lateral Saphenous Venipuncture
  24. Canine Muzzle
  25. Canine Saphenous Intravenous Injection
  26. Canine Transtracheal Aspiration
  27. Canine. Feline Peripheral Intravenous Catheter
  28. Canine. Feline Subcutaneous Injection
  29. Claw Amputation
  30. Coagulation Assay Collection Techniques
  31. Cruciate Suture
  32. Cystocentesis Canine
  33. Cystocentesis Dr. Ledbetter Case
  34. Cystocentesis Feline
  35. Direct Ophthalmoscopy
  36. Dr. Center Extended Exam
  37. Dr. Hornbucklc 7 Minute Physical
  38. Dr. Todhunter’s Lameness Exam
  39. Equine Eye Catheter
  40. Equine Eye Injection
  41. Equine Foot Lifting and Handling
  42. Equine Halter Application and Leading
  43. Equine Intramuscular injection
  44. Equine Intravenous Catherization
  45. Equine Intravenous Injection
  46. Equine Jugular Venipuncture
  47. Equine Limb Bandage Application
  48. Equine Ophthalmic Medication Administration
  49. Equine Oral Medication Administration
  50. Equine Tail Tie
  51. Equine Twitch
  52. Eye Catheter
  53. Eye Injection
  55. Feline 2 Cephalic Venipuncture
  56. Feline Cephalic Venipuncture
  57. Feline Cystocentesis
  58. Feline Induction and Intubation
  59. Feline Jugular Puncture
  60. Feline Jugular Venipuncture
  61. Feline Less is Best
  62. Feline Medial Saphenous Venipuncture
  63. Feline Ovariectomy
  64. Feline Restraint Positions
  65. Feline Scruff and Stretch
  66. Feline Transport
  67. Feline Urethral Catherization
  68. Feline Ventral midline incision
  69. Fine Needle Aspirate
  70. Horse Castration
  71. Hysterectomy
  72. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
  73. Instrument tie Better
  74. Instrument Tie (Suture Patterns)
  75. Intradermal suture pattern
  76. Kitty Burrito
  77. Kitty in a Bag
  78. Large Canine Restraint
  79. .mp4
  80. .mp4
  81. Making a Diagnostic Blood Smear
  82. Necropsy Dr. King
  83. Non Rebreather
  84. Obtaining Fine Needle Aspirates and Making Thin Preps
  85. One_handed_tie
  86. Packed Cell Volume Test
  87. Pathologic Jugular Pulse
  88. Peripheral IV Catheter Old Small Animal
  89. Physical Exam of the Rabbit
  90. Pony Anesthesia
  91. QATS
  95. Schirmer Tear Test
  96. Simple continious suture pattern
  97. Small Animal Ear Swab and Cytology
  98. Small Animal Fluorescein Dye
  99. Small Animal Intravenous Fluid I lookup (Infusion Pump)
  100. Small Animal Intravenous Fluid I lookup (Syringe Pump)
  101. Small Animal Jugular vein catherization
  102. Small Animal Nasal Swab Cytology
  103. Small Animal Subcutaneous Fluid Administration
  104. Small Animal Subcutaneous Injection
  105. Small Canine Restraint
  106. Surgeons Knot
  107. Surgeons Knot or Throw
  108. Two Handed Tie
  109. Two_Handed_Surgons_Knot.flv
  110. Two_Handed_Surgons_Knot.flv
  111. Urinary_Catherization_Canine.flv
  112. Urinary_Cathcrization_Feline
  113. Urinary_Cathcrization_Feline.(lv
  114. Ventral Midline Wound Closure
  115. VTMED5220 EMI

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Hope, can you please update the link? It is not working. Thank you
  1. Abdominal Anatomy intropcrativc
  2. Abdominal Anatomy intropcrativc
  3. Anesthesia Machine
  4. Avian Physical Exam
  5. Better Instrument tie
  6. Better OneHanded Tie
  7. Blood Glucose Test
  8. Blood Glucose Test
  9. Blood Smear
  10. Bone Marrow AspirationForelimb
  11. Bone Marrow Proximal Humerus
  12. Brain Removal Dr. dcLahunta
  13. BUN Test
  14. Canine Basic Restraint 1
  15. Canine Bone Marrow AspirationForelimb
  16. Canine Urethral Catheterization
  17. Canine Basic Restraint 2
  18. Canine Cephalic Intravenous Injection
  19. Canine Cephalic Venipuncture
  20. Canine Jugular Venipuncture
  21. Canine Lateral Intravenous Injection
  22. Canine Lateral Restraint
  23. Canine Lateral Saphenous Venipuncture
  24. Canine Muzzle
  25. Canine Saphenous Intravenous Injection
  26. Canine Transtracheal Aspiration
  27. Canine. Feline Peripheral Intravenous Catheter
  28. Canine. Feline Subcutaneous Injection
  29. Claw Amputation
  30. Coagulation Assay Collection Techniques
  31. Cruciate Suture
  32. Cystocentesis Canine
  33. Cystocentesis Dr. Ledbetter Case
  34. Cystocentesis Feline
  35. Direct Ophthalmoscopy
  36. Dr. Center Extended Exam
  37. Dr. Hornbucklc 7 Minute Physical
  38. Dr. Todhunter’s Lameness Exam
  39. Equine Eye Catheter
  40. Equine Eye Injection
  41. Equine Foot Lifting and Handling
  42. Equine Halter Application and Leading
  43. Equine Intramuscular injection
  44. Equine Intravenous Catherization
  45. Equine Intravenous Injection
  46. Equine Jugular Venipuncture
  47. Equine Limb Bandage Application
  48. Equine Ophthalmic Medication Administration
  49. Equine Oral Medication Administration
  50. Equine Tail Tie
  51. Equine Twitch
  52. Eye Catheter
  53. Eye Injection
  55. Feline 2 Cephalic Venipuncture
  56. Feline Cephalic Venipuncture
  57. Feline Cystocentesis
  58. Feline Induction and Intubation
  59. Feline Jugular Puncture
  60. Feline Jugular Venipuncture
  61. Feline Less is Best
  62. Feline Medial Saphenous Venipuncture
  63. Feline Ovariectomy
  64. Feline Restraint Positions
  65. Feline Scruff and Stretch
  66. Feline Transport
  67. Feline Urethral Catherization
  68. Feline Ventral midline incision
  69. Fine Needle Aspirate
  70. Horse Castration
  71. Hysterectomy
  72. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
  73. Instrument tie Better
  74. Instrument Tie (Suture Patterns)
  75. Intradermal suture pattern
  76. Kitty Burrito
  77. Kitty in a Bag
  78. Large Canine Restraint
  79. .mp4
  80. .mp4
  81. Making a Diagnostic Blood Smear
  82. Necropsy Dr. King
  83. Non Rebreather
  84. Obtaining Fine Needle Aspirates and Making Thin Preps
  85. One_handed_tie
  86. Packed Cell Volume Test
  87. Pathologic Jugular Pulse
  88. Peripheral IV Catheter Old Small Animal
  89. Physical Exam of the Rabbit
  90. Pony Anesthesia
  91. QATS
  95. Schirmer Tear Test
  96. Simple continious suture pattern
  97. Small Animal Ear Swab and Cytology
  98. Small Animal Fluorescein Dye
  99. Small Animal Intravenous Fluid I lookup (Infusion Pump)
  100. Small Animal Intravenous Fluid I lookup (Syringe Pump)
  101. Small Animal Jugular vein catherization
  102. Small Animal Nasal Swab Cytology
  103. Small Animal Subcutaneous Fluid Administration
  104. Small Animal Subcutaneous Injection
  105. Small Canine Restraint
  106. Surgeons Knot
  107. Surgeons Knot or Throw
  108. Two Handed Tie
  109. Two_Handed_Surgons_Knot.flv
  110. Two_Handed_Surgons_Knot.flv
  111. Urinary_Catherization_Canine.flv
  112. Urinary_Cathcrization_Feline
  113. Urinary_Cathcrization_Feline.(lv
  114. Ventral Midline Wound Closure
  115. VTMED5220 EMI

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