Request The Physiology of Fishes


Jul 12, 2010
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Vietnam Non-Veterinarian
hi all!

i specialize in Aquatic animal physiology. and I am looking for this book. could anyone help me? thank you very much.

The Physiology of Fishes, Third Edition


  • P-M-B-9781420058093.jpg

Edited by David H. Evans, and James B. Claiborne.
  • Series Edited by Peter L. Lutz.
Series: Marine Biology.

  • Hardback: 616 pages
  • Published: December 2005
  • ISBN: 978-0-8493-2022-4
  • Publisher: CRC Press

New scientific approaches have dramatically evolved in the decade since The Physiology of Fishes was first published. With the genomic revolution and a heightened understanding of molecular biology, we now have the tools and the knowledge to apply a fresh approach to the study of fishes. Consequently, The Physiology of Fishes, Third Edition is not merely another updating, but rather an entire reworking of the original. To satisfy that need for a fresh approach, the editors have employed a new set of expert contributors steeped in the very latest research; their contemporary perspective pervades the entire text. In addition to new chapters on gas transport, temperature physiology, and stress, as well as one dedicated to functional genomics, readers will discover that many of these new contributors approach their material with a contemporary molecular perspective.
While much of the material is new, the editors have completely adhered to the original’s style in creating a text that continues to be highly readable and perpetually insightful in bridging the gap between pure and applied science.
The Physiology of Fishes, Third Edition, completely updated with a molecular perspective, continues to be regarded as the best single-volume general reference on all major areas of research in fish physiology.
The Physiology of Fishes, Third Edition provides background information for advanced students as well as material of interest to marine and fisheries biologists, ichthyologists, and comparative physiologists looking to differentiate between the physiological strategies unique to fishes, and those shared with other organisms.

Table of Contents

Locomotion; Feeding and Nutrition
Aquatic and Aerial Respiration; The Cardiovascular System; Gas Transport
Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Bala; Temperature; Endocrinology;Stress; Reproduction;
Hearing and Mechanoreception; Electroreception and Electrogenesis; Chemoreception
Mutagenesis: Insights from l-Transgenic Medaka; Functional Genomics: Insights into Physiological Complexity;Cell Culture and Stem Cells
According to your attitide for the Fish Physiology Series

I know that, Vetaqua. however, I only need general information. the fish physiology series are so deep.

you should know that this book as 1 of 3 is not easier.

And this is not the 3rd edition of a book having the same content as the others before just being revised, all 3 editions differ in content, so if you are really interested (what I still don´t think) you should try to get all of them, all 3 editions.

And they are not really necessary as they give no advantage before you want to specialize in the full depth and have read all other books of the Fish Physiology Series just to compare

Here, you can compare the different contents of this book in its different editions:

Evans, David H. (Ed.):
“The Physiology of Fishes”
Marine Science Series, CRC Press, 1993

Chapter 1: Evolution and Phylogeny -Carter R. Gilbert
Chapter 2: Swimming -Paul W. Webb
Chapter 3: Buoyancy -R. McNeill Alexander
Chapter 4: Inner Ear and Lateral Line -Arthur N. Popper/Christopher Platt
Chapter 5: Electrosensation -Walter Heiligenberg
Chapter 6: Vision -Russel D. Fernald
Chapter 7: Chemoreception -Tashiaki J. Hara
Chapter 8: Cardiovascular System -Anthony P. Farrell
Chapter 9: Gas Exchange -Steve F. Perry/Gordon McDonald
Chapter 10: Autonomic Nerve Function -Stefan Nilsson/Susanne Holmgren
Chapter 11: Osmotic and Ionic Regulation -David H. Evans
Chapter 12: Acid Base Regulation -Norbert Heisler
Chapter 13: Ammonia and Urea Metabolism and Excretion -Chris M. Wood
Chapter 14: Thermal Biology -Jeffrey R. Hazel
Chapter 15: Endocrinology -Sjoerd E. Wendelaar Bonga
Chapter 16: Reproductive Physiology -J. Michael Redding/Reynaldo Patino
Chapter 17: Coloration and Chromatophores -Ryozo Fujii


Evans, David H. (Ed.):
“The Physiology of Fishes - Second Edition”
Marine Science Series, CRC Press, 1998

SECTION 1. Locomotion and Energetics

Chapter 1: Swimming -Paul W. Webb
Chapter 2: Buoyancy -Bernd Pelster
Chapter 3: Feeding and Digestion -Michael H. Horn
Chapter 4: Growth and Metabolism -Thomas P. Mommsen

SECTION 2. Gas Exchange and Cardiovascular Physiology

Chapter 5: Gas Exchange -Kathleen M. Gilmour
Chapter 6: The Cardiovascular System -Kenneth R. Olson

SECTION 3. Homeostasis

Chapter 7: Osmotic and Ionic Regulation -Karl J. Karnaky, Jr.
Chapter 8: Acid-Base Regulation -James B. Claiborne
Chapter 9: Nitrogen Excretion and Metabolism -Patrick J. Walsh
Chapter 10: Immunity -Ralph M. Bernstein/Samuel F. Schluter/John J. Marchalonis

SECTION 4. Neurophysiology and Neuroendocrine Control

Chapter 11: The Central Nervous System -Mario F. Wullimann
Chapter 12: The Auditory and Mechanosensory Lateral Line System -Nico A. M. Schellart/René J. Wubbels
Chapter 13: Electroreception -Gerhard van der Emde
Chapter 14: Vision -Craig W. Hawryshyn
Chapter 15: Chemoreception -Peter W. Sorensen/John Caprio
Chapter 16: The Autonomic Nervous System -John A. Donald
Chapter 17: Endocrinology -Neil Hazon/Richard J. Balment
Chapter 18: Reproduction -Glen Van Der Kraak/John P. Chang/David M. Janz


Evans, David H. / Claiborne, James B. (Ed.):
“The Physiology of Fishes - Third Edition”
CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2006

SECTION I: Locomotion and Energetics

Chapter 1: Locomotion -George V. Lauder
Chapter 2: Feeding and Nutrition -Kendall D. Clements/David Raubenheimer

SECTION II: Gas Exchange and Transport

Chapter 3: Aquatic and Aerial Respiration -Jeffrey B. Graham
Chapter 4: The Cardiovascular System -Kenneth R. Olson/Anthony P. Farrell
Chapter 5: Gas Transport -Mikko Nikinmaa

SECTION III: Homeostasis and Reproduction

Chapter 6: Ion Transport, Osmoregulation and Acid-Base Balance -William S. Marshall/Martin Grosell
Chapter 7: Temperature -Elizabeth L. Crockett/Richard L. Londraville
Chapter 8: Endocrinology -Yoshio Takei/CHristopher A. Loretz
Chapter 9: Stress in Fish -George K. Iwama/Luis O.B. Afonso/Mathilakath M. Vijayan
Chapter 10: Reproduction -Zvi Yaron/Berta Sivan

SECTION IV: Neurophysiology

Chapter 11: Hearing and Mechanoreception -Dennis M. Higgs/Zhongmin Lu/David A. Mann
Chapter 12: Electroreception and Electrogenesis -James S. Albert/William G.R.Crampton
Chapter 13: Chemoreception -William C. Michel

SECTION V: New Technologies

Chapter 14: Mutagenesis: Insights from Lambda-Transgenic Medaka -Richard N. Winn
Chapter 15: Functional Genomics in Fishes: Insights into Physiological Complexity -Marjorie F. Oleksiak/Douglas L. Crawford
Chapter 16: Fish Cell Culture and Stem Cells -David W. Barnes/Paul Collodi
I have the hardcoppy of this book but do not know if ebook version is available